Book: Getty MS 6 (Katherine Hours)

Created 1480-1485


Format: Parchment, illuminated


  • Livre d'heures
  • Illuminator(s):

  • Jean Bourdichon
  • Scribe(s):

  • Jean Dubreuil
  • Ownership Details

    John II of Bourbon, Ownership Possible (c. 1480-1488?) by Other.

    Catherine of Armagnac, duchess of Bourbon, Ownership Possible (c. 1484-1487) by Other.


    Herman, Nicholas. "Fouquet redivivus: Migrant Motifs in Tours, 1480-1520," in Re-Inventing Traditions: On the Transmission of Artistic Patterns in Late Medieval Manuscript Illumination, ed. Joris Corin Heyder and Christine Seidel (Frankfurt-am-Main: Peter Land, 2012), 171-94.: 182